Thursday 9 June 2016

This unbeliveable............

See how these brave parents of six babies decided to add another thing to their life. They turned it into a reality show. It’s called Six Little McGhees. All day long cameramen follow the family around from their early get up at 5.30 a.m. and to the late bed hours.
They film all the challenges and blessings the mother and father of the sextuplet deal with. They got 2 girls and 4 little boys to manage. And they run together a carpet cleaning business to support the large family and meet all the financial needs.
The family has become a real sensation in the USA, and they even got on Oprah show,But what they do is more than a TV show. They help other parents around the globe to see that their parenting challenges are minor ones indeed! If these parents can do it, you can do it too! Their show is inspirational, and it has gone viral!